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Physical Characterization of Two Wild Varieties of Edible Orchid Tubers

Received: 27 October 2018     Accepted: 17 September 2019     Published: 19 November 2019
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The physical properties of agricultural products are necessary for the design of equipment for post-harvest treatments and storage. The physical characteristics of two varieties (Ateehteu and Lamsie) of wild orchid tubers used for the production of an endogenously processed food eaten as a meat replacement were determined. Directly measured properties (tuber length, width, thickness, mass, true volume and bulk volume) and derived properties (sphericity, shape index, size, porosity, true and bulk density) were evaluated at 86.11% and 79.01% (wb) moisture contents of Ateehteu and Lamsie respectively. The mean ranges respectively recorded for Ateehteu and Lamsie were: mass (1.70 – 5.79) g; (1.24 – 7.65) g, length (18.94 – 32.01) mm; (9.84 – 27.54) mm, width (11.91 – 19.34) mm; (6.91 – 18.79) mm; thickness (5.07 – 24.50) mm; (1.09 – 22.77) mm, true volume (1.37 – 5.68) ml; (1.52 – 7.28), and bulk volume (29.67 – 30.58) ml; (31.50 – 32.84) ml. For the derived properties, Ateehteu and Lamsie respectively gave, sphericity (60.49 – 81.00)%; (62.72– 87.81)%, shape index (1.18 – 2.34)%; (1.08 – 2.19)%, true density (0.58 – 1.82) g/ml; (0.84 – 1.15) g/ml, bulk density (0.53 – 0.61) g/ml; (0.50 – 0.54) g/ml, porosity (0.76 – 1.00), (0.87 – 1.07); and bulk porosity (0.47 – 0.51); (0.45 – 0.47). The repose angle was (26.06 – 32.92)° and (28.28 – 32.86)° while the coefficient of static friction on four surfaces viz aluminium sheet, rubber, leather and plywood were (0.27 – 0.44); (0.13 – 0.63), (0.32 – 0.49); (0.88 – 0.95), (0.16 – 0.64); (0.31 – 0.55); (0.33 – 0.62); (0.48 – 2.75). There were significant variations in physical dimensions of Lamsie; larger mass and true volume, sphericity and repose angle compared to Ateehteu. There was significant variation in the coefficient of static friction on aluminium sheet, rubber, leather and plywood respectively for Ateehteu and Lamsie respectively with no variation in the coefficient of dynamic friction on the same surfaces for Ateehteu and Lamsie respectively. The negative values obtained for some derived shape parameters (flattening and ellipticity) which consequently affected the surface area is an indication that the shape assumption of the tubers as oblate or prolate requires verification. There is therefore need to correlated the directly measured properties to obtain an empirical formula to calculate each corresponding parameter and analyse to obtain the best fit. It is therefore promising to design a process plan to harvest, transports, handle, sort and separate, grade, convey stock and process the tubers into Nyam ngub.

Published in Advances in Bioscience and Bioengineering (Volume 7, Issue 4)
DOI 10.11648/j.abb.20190704.13
Page(s) 72-80
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This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2019. Published by Science Publishing Group


Physical Characteristics, Wild Orchid, Tubers, Varieties, Ateehteu, Lamsie, Nyam ngub

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  • APA Style

    Dobgima J. Fonmboh, Tembe Estella Achick, Fokunang Charles Ntungwen, Bup Nde Divine. (2019). Physical Characterization of Two Wild Varieties of Edible Orchid Tubers. Advances in Bioscience and Bioengineering, 7(4), 72-80. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.abb.20190704.13

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    ACS Style

    Dobgima J. Fonmboh; Tembe Estella Achick; Fokunang Charles Ntungwen; Bup Nde Divine. Physical Characterization of Two Wild Varieties of Edible Orchid Tubers. Adv. BioSci. Bioeng. 2019, 7(4), 72-80. doi: 10.11648/j.abb.20190704.13

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    AMA Style

    Dobgima J. Fonmboh, Tembe Estella Achick, Fokunang Charles Ntungwen, Bup Nde Divine. Physical Characterization of Two Wild Varieties of Edible Orchid Tubers. Adv BioSci Bioeng. 2019;7(4):72-80. doi: 10.11648/j.abb.20190704.13

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  • @article{10.11648/j.abb.20190704.13,
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      title = {Physical Characterization of Two Wild Varieties of Edible Orchid Tubers},
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      volume = {7},
      number = {4},
      pages = {72-80},
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      abstract = {The physical properties of agricultural products are necessary for the design of equipment for post-harvest treatments and storage. The physical characteristics of two varieties (Ateehteu and Lamsie) of wild orchid tubers used for the production of an endogenously processed food eaten as a meat replacement were determined. Directly measured properties (tuber length, width, thickness, mass, true volume and bulk volume) and derived properties (sphericity, shape index, size, porosity, true and bulk density) were evaluated at 86.11% and 79.01% (wb) moisture contents of Ateehteu and Lamsie respectively. The mean ranges respectively recorded for Ateehteu and Lamsie were: mass (1.70 – 5.79) g; (1.24 – 7.65) g, length (18.94 – 32.01) mm; (9.84 – 27.54) mm, width (11.91 – 19.34) mm; (6.91 – 18.79) mm; thickness (5.07 – 24.50) mm; (1.09 – 22.77) mm, true volume (1.37 – 5.68) ml; (1.52 – 7.28), and bulk volume (29.67 – 30.58) ml; (31.50 – 32.84) ml. For the derived properties, Ateehteu and Lamsie respectively gave, sphericity (60.49 – 81.00)%; (62.72– 87.81)%, shape index (1.18 – 2.34)%; (1.08 – 2.19)%, true density (0.58 – 1.82) g/ml; (0.84 – 1.15) g/ml, bulk density (0.53 – 0.61) g/ml; (0.50 – 0.54) g/ml, porosity (0.76 – 1.00), (0.87 – 1.07); and bulk porosity (0.47 – 0.51); (0.45 – 0.47). The repose angle was (26.06 – 32.92)° and (28.28 – 32.86)° while the coefficient of static friction on four surfaces viz aluminium sheet, rubber, leather and plywood were (0.27 – 0.44); (0.13 – 0.63), (0.32 – 0.49); (0.88 – 0.95), (0.16 – 0.64); (0.31 – 0.55); (0.33 – 0.62); (0.48 – 2.75). There were significant variations in physical dimensions of Lamsie; larger mass and true volume, sphericity and repose angle compared to Ateehteu. There was significant variation in the coefficient of static friction on aluminium sheet, rubber, leather and plywood respectively for Ateehteu and Lamsie respectively with no variation in the coefficient of dynamic friction on the same surfaces for Ateehteu and Lamsie respectively. The negative values obtained for some derived shape parameters (flattening and ellipticity) which consequently affected the surface area is an indication that the shape assumption of the tubers as oblate or prolate requires verification. There is therefore need to correlated the directly measured properties to obtain an empirical formula to calculate each corresponding parameter and analyse to obtain the best fit. It is therefore promising to design a process plan to harvest, transports, handle, sort and separate, grade, convey stock and process the tubers into Nyam ngub.},
     year = {2019}

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  • TY  - JOUR
    T1  - Physical Characterization of Two Wild Varieties of Edible Orchid Tubers
    AU  - Dobgima J. Fonmboh
    AU  - Tembe Estella Achick
    AU  - Fokunang Charles Ntungwen
    AU  - Bup Nde Divine
    Y1  - 2019/11/19
    PY  - 2019
    N1  - https://doi.org/10.11648/j.abb.20190704.13
    DO  - 10.11648/j.abb.20190704.13
    T2  - Advances in Bioscience and Bioengineering
    JF  - Advances in Bioscience and Bioengineering
    JO  - Advances in Bioscience and Bioengineering
    SP  - 72
    EP  - 80
    PB  - Science Publishing Group
    SN  - 2330-4162
    UR  - https://doi.org/10.11648/j.abb.20190704.13
    AB  - The physical properties of agricultural products are necessary for the design of equipment for post-harvest treatments and storage. The physical characteristics of two varieties (Ateehteu and Lamsie) of wild orchid tubers used for the production of an endogenously processed food eaten as a meat replacement were determined. Directly measured properties (tuber length, width, thickness, mass, true volume and bulk volume) and derived properties (sphericity, shape index, size, porosity, true and bulk density) were evaluated at 86.11% and 79.01% (wb) moisture contents of Ateehteu and Lamsie respectively. The mean ranges respectively recorded for Ateehteu and Lamsie were: mass (1.70 – 5.79) g; (1.24 – 7.65) g, length (18.94 – 32.01) mm; (9.84 – 27.54) mm, width (11.91 – 19.34) mm; (6.91 – 18.79) mm; thickness (5.07 – 24.50) mm; (1.09 – 22.77) mm, true volume (1.37 – 5.68) ml; (1.52 – 7.28), and bulk volume (29.67 – 30.58) ml; (31.50 – 32.84) ml. For the derived properties, Ateehteu and Lamsie respectively gave, sphericity (60.49 – 81.00)%; (62.72– 87.81)%, shape index (1.18 – 2.34)%; (1.08 – 2.19)%, true density (0.58 – 1.82) g/ml; (0.84 – 1.15) g/ml, bulk density (0.53 – 0.61) g/ml; (0.50 – 0.54) g/ml, porosity (0.76 – 1.00), (0.87 – 1.07); and bulk porosity (0.47 – 0.51); (0.45 – 0.47). The repose angle was (26.06 – 32.92)° and (28.28 – 32.86)° while the coefficient of static friction on four surfaces viz aluminium sheet, rubber, leather and plywood were (0.27 – 0.44); (0.13 – 0.63), (0.32 – 0.49); (0.88 – 0.95), (0.16 – 0.64); (0.31 – 0.55); (0.33 – 0.62); (0.48 – 2.75). There were significant variations in physical dimensions of Lamsie; larger mass and true volume, sphericity and repose angle compared to Ateehteu. There was significant variation in the coefficient of static friction on aluminium sheet, rubber, leather and plywood respectively for Ateehteu and Lamsie respectively with no variation in the coefficient of dynamic friction on the same surfaces for Ateehteu and Lamsie respectively. The negative values obtained for some derived shape parameters (flattening and ellipticity) which consequently affected the surface area is an indication that the shape assumption of the tubers as oblate or prolate requires verification. There is therefore need to correlated the directly measured properties to obtain an empirical formula to calculate each corresponding parameter and analyse to obtain the best fit. It is therefore promising to design a process plan to harvest, transports, handle, sort and separate, grade, convey stock and process the tubers into Nyam ngub.
    VL  - 7
    IS  - 4
    ER  - 

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Author Information
  • Department of Nutrition, Food Science and Bio-resource Technology, The College of Technology, The University of Bamenda, Bambili, Cameroon

  • Department of Pharmaco Toxicology and Pharmacokinetics, Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, The University of Yaoundé 1, Yaoundé, Cameroon

  • Department of Pharmaco Toxicology and Pharmacokinetics, Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, The University of Yaoundé 1, Yaoundé, Cameroon

  • Department of Nutrition, Food Science and Bio-resource Technology, The College of Technology, The University of Bamenda, Bambili, Cameroon

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