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The Impact of Climate Change on Crops Genetic Resources Diversity in Ethiopia Consequence for Conservation

Received: 4 April 2022     Accepted: 3 May 2022     Published: 19 May 2022
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Climate change aggravates the issue for agriculture in general and biodiversity in particular. Climate change affects ecology dynamics in a variety of ways, including crop distribution changes and the loss of farming regions. Rising temperatures and changing environmental conditions may help invasive alien species, pests, and parasites spread. As a result of all this, global warming has already had a significant and widespread impact on plant genetic resource variety, and ensuring food security in the face of climate change is one of humanity's most pressing issues. Adaptation intervention and meteorological disaster preparedness are required to mitigate these negative consequences. Little is known about the causes, effects, and scope of genetic erosion on local crop plant species, as well as the list of landraces lost across the country. Ethiopia's indigenous crop genetic resources are under threat right now due to biotic, abiotic, and socioeconomic factors. As a result, crop genetic diversity preservation is critical in Ethiopia, according to homegrown knowledge, as diversity rosette, there was a continuous decrease in the variance of damage levels. Finally, improvements to in situ and ex situ conservation programs for domesticated species, their wild relatives, and other wild genetic resources are critical for the future of food and agriculture, particularly as the primary solution to global climate fluctuations.

Published in Advances in Bioscience and Bioengineering (Volume 10, Issue 2)
DOI 10.11648/j.abb.20221002.12
Page(s) 24-32
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Climate, Biodiversity, Environment, Conservation

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  • APA Style

    Lemi Yadesa, Desalegn Chalchisa. (2022). The Impact of Climate Change on Crops Genetic Resources Diversity in Ethiopia Consequence for Conservation. Advances in Bioscience and Bioengineering, 10(2), 24-32. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.abb.20221002.12

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    ACS Style

    Lemi Yadesa; Desalegn Chalchisa. The Impact of Climate Change on Crops Genetic Resources Diversity in Ethiopia Consequence for Conservation. Adv. BioSci. Bioeng. 2022, 10(2), 24-32. doi: 10.11648/j.abb.20221002.12

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    AMA Style

    Lemi Yadesa, Desalegn Chalchisa. The Impact of Climate Change on Crops Genetic Resources Diversity in Ethiopia Consequence for Conservation. Adv BioSci Bioeng. 2022;10(2):24-32. doi: 10.11648/j.abb.20221002.12

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    AB  - Climate change aggravates the issue for agriculture in general and biodiversity in particular. Climate change affects ecology dynamics in a variety of ways, including crop distribution changes and the loss of farming regions. Rising temperatures and changing environmental conditions may help invasive alien species, pests, and parasites spread. As a result of all this, global warming has already had a significant and widespread impact on plant genetic resource variety, and ensuring food security in the face of climate change is one of humanity's most pressing issues. Adaptation intervention and meteorological disaster preparedness are required to mitigate these negative consequences. Little is known about the causes, effects, and scope of genetic erosion on local crop plant species, as well as the list of landraces lost across the country. Ethiopia's indigenous crop genetic resources are under threat right now due to biotic, abiotic, and socioeconomic factors. As a result, crop genetic diversity preservation is critical in Ethiopia, according to homegrown knowledge, as diversity rosette, there was a continuous decrease in the variance of damage levels. Finally, improvements to in situ and ex situ conservation programs for domesticated species, their wild relatives, and other wild genetic resources are critical for the future of food and agriculture, particularly as the primary solution to global climate fluctuations.
    VL  - 10
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Author Information
  • Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research-Bako National Maize Research Center, Bako, Ethiopia

  • Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research-Bako National Maize Research Center, Bako, Ethiopia

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